Sunday, July 31, 2011

Awesome Book!!! One Step Away by Eric Wilson

I really love the way that Eric Wilson writes and the suspense that he builds upto in his books. When I heard he was writing a new twist on the story of JOB I had to check it out. I went and bought both the Kindle and a paperback version. The difference between this story and the story of JOb is that the characters(the Vreelands) inherit a large sum of money and items instead of losing everything like Job. Th Vreelands must deal with how the money will affect their faith in God.

I found myself connecting to the family right off(espicially Bret). Bret is 33 yrs old and has been married for 11 yrs(I turn 33 this month and have also been married 11 yrs). He is a hard worker who is trying to just get by and his family is on a strict budget. They really have to stick to their budget and if it is not on there they cant slurge on something. I could really relate to this and ws instantly drawn into the story. The Vreelands inherit $6,000,000 and quickly have to adjust and figure out where their priorities in life are. Do they keep doing what they were doing before and will thei family adjust to this new lifestyle.

The story is great and the suspense that Eric Wilson add with the inheritance and the family history is awesome. I kind of had an idea of where the book might head but boy was I wrong. The way that Eric Wilson brings out the characters and the direction he takes the book was a great ride and one to be enjoyed. I loved the ending and cant wait to read more from ERic Wilson and Bay Forest books.